Wednesday, January 6, 2010

Featuring the Bean

This afternoon I had my first prenatal appointment. Michael was sweet enough to come with me and sit through all 2 hours of it. We met with the RN and went through our genetic histories and set up the types of genetic testing that we would need. Then the nurse said that since I do a lot of traveling she thought I should have an ultrasound to put my mind at ease. So everyone I present our TINY bean.

Currently our bean is measuring 6 weeks and 6 days which is right on track with a heartbeat of 128 bpm and a length of .8cm. It was amazing to see the flicker of the heartbeat. Everything is looking great.

Then I got to get a wonderful H1N1 and seasonal flu shot. I know I said I would never get one but really who wants to get sick when they are pregnant. Lastly, I had to get a bunch of blood drawn and will have to go back tomorrow to finish it up b/c apparently I am not a enough of a bleeder for 10 vials of blood. So I go back on 2/16 for my next ultrasound and appointment.


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. My little rice grain niece/nephew is so cute!
