Friday, April 23, 2010

My first stoller passenger


  1. That is hilarious. :) And what a CUTE stroller, I love it!

  2. Ernie is a tad creepy!

  3. It's not Ernie's fault he has no pupils! I did it to him. :)

  4. Ohh, pretty. Is that a Maclaren (the hanging info tag looks like a Maclaren tag but I haven't seen that pattern before)? Tony put together the travel system last night and I'm just waiting until Apple decides she needs to test it out.

  5. Jimmie...thank you!

    Kara...It is a Mclaren. I got a great deal on it at Its an invite only shopping site where they sell designer stuff at a big discount. They do a lot of nice kids stuff fairly frequently. Let me know if you want an invite. Zaxby is terrified of the stroller and wont come anywhere near it. LOL

  6. I would love an invite! We're going to get a Maclaren at some point (most likely next spring, once she's a bit older and doesn't need quite the support of the bigger stroller. Or maybe earlier if we get tired of the bigger stroller!) and I always love to see new options.
