Thursday, July 29, 2010

36 weeks/100th post!

4 weeks left, 1 until full term! Can you believe it?!? I sure cannot! I have really slowed down over the last week and I feel like she is REALLY low. This maybe TMI but I feel like my groin muscles are the only thing keeping her from making her grand entrance. I got a lot of work done on her room and getting her stuff organized this week. Our wonderful family and friends have been showering her with gifts and Beany is very very thankful! She told me so! :)

So in general I am pretty uncomfortable these days from her sitting so low and my carpel tunnel has gotten a lot worse so I finally had to break out a wrist brace. It is oh so attractive. It is really starting to feel real since it finally looks like we have a baby moving into the apartment. We are going out this weekend to pick up some of the small things she still needs. Beany...I am hoping to meet you sooner rather then later!

So here are some pictures of her room and a few items from some very special people!

Thank you Mallory and Derek!

Thank you Kellie!

Thank you Mom and Dad!

Here is one just b/c Zaxby is just so darn cute!

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