Saturday, August 28, 2010

40 weeks....

Well the pictures was at 40 weeks but this is really 40 weeks 2 days. Well my due date has come and gone and Beany has not arrived yet. Each additional day I am pregnant I inch closer and closer to insanity. She is still doing well and I am now 1cm dilated and 70% effaced. She is at -2 station which is great since she was at -4 last friday. I am really, I mean REALLY hoping she comes this weekend.

I went to the MN state fair. Michael was working in the wind energy area of the fair and I had the afternoon off so I thought what better way to get out and keep walking. I had a good time there but I sorely overestimated my walking endurance. I was hurting! I am hoping I did some good though. I am going to be sore tomorrow I think.

Well that is about it this week. I am just in a holding pattern until she arrives. I have my next doc appt on Tuesday and if she is not here by then, then we will probably induce before Friday.

1 comment:

  1. So no matter what, you know you'll have a baby girl in your arms by next weekend!
