Friday, November 19, 2010

Breastfeeding = HARD!

Sarah was a breeze to breastfeed from day 1. I always thought myself to be really lucky b/c people talk about the sore nipple, bad latches, clogged ducts, etc and we never had any of that.

Fast forward to 7 weeks old and it all goes to hell and a hand basket. Her reflux makes feeding her absolute torture for her an me. She just screams and fights and I feel awful for her. We are still working on getting her dosage right and her meds were up'ed for a second time today. More often then not we are both in tears at some feeding during the day.

It is getting to the point now where I am dreading her feedings some days and I feel awful for it. I just want to give it all up and throw my hands up in the air. I know that isn't the answer not b/c I think formula is bad but it tends to make reflux worse since you lose the natural antacid property with BM.

I guess my next step is to eliminate dairy and to be completely honest, I am not excited. So much for thinking it got easier as she got older....

To end on a happier note here's Sarah!

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