Sorry I have been so quiet over here. We are in the worst part of winter right now and there is just not much going on.
The Olympics ended last night and that makes me sad. Michael will go back to watching Basketball and I loathe Basketball. Why do the Olympics only last for 2 weeks every 4 years! I think they should have it every year to cover up Basketball season!
We got some more snow this weekend but it was not enough to cause any problems. We saw Shutter Island this weekend. I had previously decided not to see it b/c the previews made it look like a horror flick but it really was not. We enjoyed it and it was not even as suspenseful as I thought it would be. That could have been b/c I cannot sit through a movie without having to go to the bathroom anymore. LOL
So to start a Monday on a fun note...lets pull out a an old picture of Michael and I. I believe this is from 2006. See Kellie there are photos of me between the years of 2002 and 2010!!!