Tuesday, March 30, 2010

Drum Roll Please.....

Beany is a .....


We are over the moon. We really thought she was going to be a boy though. Everything looks good and weighing in at a whooping 9 oz. I have to go back on Monday to get a better look at the lower spine only b/c the tech could not get the view she wanted due to our stubborn little one. Here are a couple photos for you.

Waving hi!

Profile Shot

Looking at you.

Monday, March 29, 2010

My latest obession: Diapers!

Michael and I have pretty much decided that we will be cloth diapering Beany anytime he/she is not at daycare. (Daycare does not support cloth) I just booked our class to help us figure out the crazy world of cloth diapers. Kellie is doing a good job helping me get my feet wet as well! There is are so many many choices and they are so freaking cute!!

Class is at the end of May and then it is time to start shopping. Hard to believe they book that far out since it is not even March yet.

Thursday, March 25, 2010

18 Weeks

Big new development this week...I am beginning to feel Beany move. It is very sporadic but it is the most awesome yet strange feeling ever. I started physical therapy this week and will be going 2-3 times a week indefinitely. Next week is the big week and we are excited to get another look at the babe. Beany is the size of a bell pepper this week and growing fast! Seems unfathomable that in 2 weeks the pregnancy is half over. Well that is all I have right now but I am sure I will check back in by the weekend.

Monday, March 22, 2010

Great News

I completed the sequential scan for chromosomal abnormalities last week and got my results today.


Not that I was worried but it is very reassuring that Beany is growing nice and healthy!

Sunday, March 21, 2010

One more piece of Furniture Done

Michael and I put the dresser for the nursery together today. Thankfully it came in large pieces so it was really easy to get done. Now all that is left is the crib. That will probably have to wait until we get more cleaned out of that room. I am really pleased with the furniture so far. I will post photos of all of the furniture once it is all put together and in its place.

On other news on the home front, our master bathroom is currently leaking water from the ceiling. So far the maintenance people cannot figure out where the water is coming from and cannot do anything until Monday...nice. This is when I am really happy not to be a home owner.

Friday, March 19, 2010

Back to Physical Therapy

Almost exactly 3 years ago I hurt my back golfing and running. I ended up in a lot of physical therapy but my back had been doing well for a couple years now. I believe the old injury has flared up with the pregnancy so I am back in physical therapy. I may combine this with chiropractic treatments as well but I want to see if I have success with the PT first. I hope this helps b/c if it does not I am going to be in a world of hurt by the end of this pregnancy.

I knew I was getting too lucky with as easy this pregnancy has been so far.

Thursday, March 18, 2010

17 Weeks

The big update was yesterday after my appointment but there was one small development this afternoon. Apparently the pregnancy is causing my thyroid levels to change and I got to have my meds changed today. First time they have ever lowered my meds before. Other then that things are progressing quietly which I am thankful for.

Happy St. Patrick's day!

Tuesday, March 16, 2010

One Huge Item off Beany's to do List

Daycare = check! :)


16 Week Doctor's Appt

We had our 16 week appointment this morning and all is well with Beany. We heard the heartbeat for the first time and that was amazing! It sounds like a house galloping! The heartbeat was 150bm. Also, I have gained all of 1 pound since my last appointment at 12 weeks which is good.

I go back in 2 weeks for my anatomy scan and we find out the gender. Needless to say we are really excited for that. In honor of that appointment, I have put up a poll for the gender. Feel free to vote away! :)

Sunday, March 14, 2010

Hungry Hungry Hungry

This baby must be going through a growth spurt or something b/c I have been starving all day. No amount of food even puts a dent in it. The rainy gloomy weather probably is not helping either. I hope the scale is kind to me when I go to the doctor on Tuesday.

We have gotten almost 4 inches of rain this weekend...talk about a rainy weekend. One of our windows is leaking now too. I hope that ends up being an easy fix. I started the mass clean out this weekend and got a little bit done. That's a step in the right direction...right?!? I feel so overwhelmed by the amount of work there is to do.

I hope everyone had a great weekend and remembered to spring forward.

Friday, March 12, 2010


TGIF is my sentiment today! This week can take itself and shove it! LOL I am ridiculously ready for the weekend even though the weather is supposed to be awful. It will make it easier to nap and work on some cleaning since there will not be anything else to do. It is time to start getting Beany's room ready! :)

I hope everyone has a great weekend and I will check back in either this weekend or Tuesday after my appointment.

Thursday, March 11, 2010

16 Weeks

Time is officially flying. I cannot believe it is already 16 weeks. We have a doctor's appointment on Tuesday of next week and that should be pretty uneventful. I am pretty sure we will be able to hear the heartbeat for the first time and I am really looking forward to that. Beany is the size of an avocado this weekend and about to start a growth spurt. He/she is going to double in weight over the next several weeks. My days of sleeping on my stomach are numbered as it is starting to get uncomfortable. Time to invest in some more pillows. We are starting to clear everything out for the nursery now and that is going to be quite the undertaking. I hope it does not take too long.

2 weeks from Tuesday we find out if Beany is a boy or girl! :)

Sunday, March 7, 2010

3 hours later...

I have the changing table all put together mostly by myself! :) We went to pick up the nursery furniture today and had to leave the crib at the mall since it did not fit into the car. We are going back for it tomorrow. I thought I would get a jump on the assembly and phew...it was harder then I anticipated. My back is killing me! I am happy to say the first piece of baby furniture is ready to go! I have already had to pull Zaxby off the changing table once...so I forsee an issue that I need to find a solution for. I think he thinks it is a new kitty bed for him.

On a completely separate note...the weather is BEAUTIFUL this weekend. We even had the windows open for a little today. Love it!

Thursday, March 4, 2010

15 Weeks

Time is really starting to fly by now. I don't think this weeks photo looks any different then last weeks but that is just me. It is hard to believe I am halfway through this pregnancy in 5 weeks. So Bean is doing well. I may even start to feel him/her start to move in the next couple weeks. Bean is the size of an apple this week and rapidly growing now.

That's all I have to report for now but I will be back soon! :)

Tuesday, March 2, 2010

Nursery Furniture

So on a whim yesterday, I ordered the crib, changing table, and dresser for Bean! JC Penny was having an amazing sale and I loved the furniture! Now I just have to start creating space for everything. I had not planned on buying anything this early but when the price is right...why wait!

I cannot copy and paste a photo of it in but here is the link.

Monday, March 1, 2010

RIP Olympics

Sorry I have been so quiet over here. We are in the worst part of winter right now and there is just not much going on.

The Olympics ended last night and that makes me sad. Michael will go back to watching Basketball and I loathe Basketball. Why do the Olympics only last for 2 weeks every 4 years! I think they should have it every year to cover up Basketball season!

We got some more snow this weekend but it was not enough to cause any problems. We saw Shutter Island this weekend. I had previously decided not to see it b/c the previews made it look like a horror flick but it really was not. We enjoyed it and it was not even as suspenseful as I thought it would be. That could have been b/c I cannot sit through a movie without having to go to the bathroom anymore. LOL

So to start a Monday on a fun note...lets pull out a an old picture of Michael and I. I believe this is from 2006. See Kellie there are photos of me between the years of 2002 and 2010!!!