Thursday, March 11, 2010

16 Weeks

Time is officially flying. I cannot believe it is already 16 weeks. We have a doctor's appointment on Tuesday of next week and that should be pretty uneventful. I am pretty sure we will be able to hear the heartbeat for the first time and I am really looking forward to that. Beany is the size of an avocado this weekend and about to start a growth spurt. He/she is going to double in weight over the next several weeks. My days of sleeping on my stomach are numbered as it is starting to get uncomfortable. Time to invest in some more pillows. We are starting to clear everything out for the nursery now and that is going to be quite the undertaking. I hope it does not take too long.

2 weeks from Tuesday we find out if Beany is a boy or girl! :)


  1. Yeah, we totally need to start cleaning out the second bedroom, since we ordered the nursery furniture. Tony claimes there's room in there without taking anything out yet but I think he's delusional!

  2. Everything is coming out of our second room and my office is moving into a closet...sounds nice doesn't it! LOL We have to purge out of this place to make room for Beany.
