Thursday, February 25, 2010

14 Weeks

A new tradition to be started this week...the belly picture! Here is from tonight:

I was surprised to notice that I filled out that shirt a lot more then the last time I put it on. So there is your first sneak peak.

Other then that it is another quiet week. I am finally over my cold. I am very happy about that. I am starting to develop a few aches from sitting at a computer all day during the week. So anyways, not much to talk about this week. Is it spring yet?

Sunday, February 21, 2010

Look What I Made!

Don't they look good?? I can tell you they certainly taste good! Next on my list for tonight or tomorrow banana bread.

Friday, February 19, 2010

Bye Bye 1st Trimester

So I realized I never did a 13 weeks post this week so instead I have decided that I will do something even better...a recap of my experience in the 1st trimester. So here are my experiences so far:

Told Family
: Christmas Day
Told the World: February 16th
Weight gain: -8 pounds (Dr. is not concerned about the loss)
Morning Sickness: I was very lucky in this department. I spent about 3 weeks fairly nauseous but I never got physically ill and I am so thankful for that!
Food Aversions: None other then not wanting to eat anything between 6-8 weeks
Cravings: I have wanted to eat anything sweet and the Bean LOVES pizza! I think I have been bit by a baking bug lately.
Heartbeat: We have seen the heartbeat two times now but the first time was at 7 weeks 1 day. It was such a relief to see it the very first time
Exhaustion: EVERY DAY

In general I felt great through out the first 13 weeks outside of some major exhaustion. There are so many women who spend these first weeks so sick. I am beginning to move into maternity clothes now and they are so comfortable. Now it is time for Beany to spend his/her just growing bigger and bigger.

Lots of changes and things to do over the coming months and we are getting more and more excited by the day! Here's to hoping the 2nd trimester goes as smoothly and the 1st did.

Wednesday, February 17, 2010

A Little Whining

I never thought I would say this but I think this cold maybe the death of me! I was up most of the night b/c sleeping is just not really possible in the angle I have to lay at the be able to breathe. Of course when I FINALLY fell asleep last night the snow removal company thought it would be a great idea to break out the bulldozer and clear out the snow in the parking garage right underneath our bedroom at get this....12:45AM! Ok I could understand 5am maybe even 4am since it has to be cleared before the morning rush hour but really...1am....I am not a fan. The office will be getting a piece of my mind today and it takes a lot to make me call and complain!

Oh I hope tonight goes better sleepwise b/c it is going to be a LONG day!

Okay done whining now...and I am thankful for all my wonderful friends and their kind comments yesterday when I announced the pregnancy on Facebook.

Tuesday, February 16, 2010

Doctor's Appointment this Morning

We had an appointment to get the first part of the sequential screen done which included an ultrasound and some blood work. The ultrasound was great! Bean was sucking his/her thumb for a part of it and just moving all around. It is amazing how much Bean has grown already! Here is one of the photos.

Bean is measuring 12 weeks 5 days which is perfect and has a heart beat of 154 bpm. The doctor is very pleased with my progress far. I go back in 4 weeks for another doctor's appointment and more blood work to complete the sequential screen and then the BIG ultrasound is on 3/30! Let the countdown begin!

Monday, February 15, 2010

Please no Snow Tomorrow

So my next appt is tomorrow morning and I cannot wait! It will put so many of my concerns at ease! BUT we are supposed to be getting a winter storm tonight and tomorrow and get up to 7 inches of snow. I REALLY hope that it does not materialize so that I have no trouble getting to appt. I am going to be really disappointed if it gets rescheduled b/c of the weather and we are literally running out of time in my window for the sequential screen.

Any no snow thoughts would be greatly appreciated!

Friday, February 12, 2010

Made it through my first large meeting

I was in Atlanta this week to work a 1000 person meeting on Wednesday. I am happy to say I made it through the two very long days pretty unscathed but it was a lot harder on me then I thought it would have been. My poor feet still hurt and my legs and back are a bit sore. I am not sure how pregnant women who work on their feet all day do it!

I am just happy to say I accomplished it and don't worry anyone...if a box is too heavy I wont pick it up. I do a good job listening to my body! It was such a relief to be home last night and sleep in my own bed.

Now Michael and are ready for this long weekend since he is battling a cold and I am resting up from the long week. Keep your fingers crossed that the snow holds off until after my appointment Tuesday morning. I have been waiting a long 6 weeks for this appointment and I don't want to have to reschedule it.

Wednesday, February 10, 2010

12 Weeks

I am working a meeting in Atlanta and I hope that I do not have any trouble getting home tomorrow b/c of the big storm in New England.

So 12 weeks today. It seems like a date that would never get here. We go to the doctor on Tuesday and I cannot wait. We will be have the 1st part of the sequential screen done to screen for down syndrome and other chromosomal abnormalities and we get another look at the babe. I am looking forward to the reassurance that all is well with Beany and being able to "come out" on facebook. I guess the next count down will be until the BIG ultrasound.

I am happy to report that I have been feeling well but the exhaustion has yet to let up. I hear maybe around 15-16 weeks it will start getting better. On the note of exhaustion, I am exhausted so I will leave this entry with this.

2nd trimester starts on MONDAY!!!

Monday, February 8, 2010

Superbowl Sunday

Go Colts!

I decided that since we are watching the game just the two of us I wanted to make some yummy munchies. I have been craving cupcakes for about a week now so I picked up some cake mix and decided I wanted to try a recipe for mini ham and cheese sandwiches. I have to save that the sandwiches are AMAZING!! Michael was a little skeptical when he read the recipe but has changed his mind now. I will be making these the next time we are bringing an appetizer somewhere.

Here is a little peak at the goodies.

Funfetti Cupcakes with Vanilla Icing

Mini Ham and Cheese Sandwiches (Sorry for the crappy pictures but trust me they are good!)

I must credit Beantown Baker for the recipe for the sandwiches. She has an awesome cooking blog.

Sunday, February 7, 2010

200 Days

One more small milestone down, tomorrow will be less then 200 days until my due date! yay!

Michael and I ran some errands today to get me some maternity clothes and then I came home and crashed for 4.5 hours. I guess I have not shaken my exhaustion yet. I am happy to report I have a couple pieces of clothes now that actually fit!

We are excited for the superbowl tomorrow and I am making cupcakes and these awesome sounding mini ham and cheese sandwiches! I am sure I will update about all that tomorrow.

Thursday, February 4, 2010

New Perscription from the Doc

So I have been getting a lot of headaches for the past couple of weeks and the office told me 2 Tylenol and a glass of caffeine. I think I can manage that. If that does not help they are going to prescribe me something but they don't want to just yet.

Time to go russel me up some caffeine!

Wednesday, February 3, 2010


Kellie has to have a surgical procedure done tomorrow so I would greatly appreciate it if you could keep her in your thoughts tomorrow morning so that all goes well!

11 Weeks

2 weeks left in the first trimester. It is almost hard to believe but at the same time it feels like the weeks have lasted forever. The bean is the size of a fig this week and is growing rapidly. I had another week of feeling better good sans the one migraine.

The countdown to the general announcement is in full swing. I cannot wait to be able to let everyone know and not have a secret anymore. I have been very lucky that it has not come out on my facebook page yet.

Monday, February 1, 2010

Exciting News

I found out on Friday that one of my local friends is pregnant too and only 3 weeks ahead of me. It is so nice to know that I have someone close going through the same experiences as me! I am so happy for her and her husband.

We had a quiet weekend and went and saw Up in the Air. We enjoyed it but it was not the happiest story line. Very little going on this week and I will be in Atlanta all next week.

I hope the next two weeks go quickly so we can see the bean again!