Friday, April 30, 2010

Round Ligament Pain....

Round ligament pain and I are not friends! It has really kicked in within the last week or so. I feel like she is taking her little feet and pushing my pelvis apart. Isn't that sweet of her. Oh and don't trip and try to catch yourself with your abdominal muscles....very very bad idea! Lots of pain from that. I am happy to be able to say that these are my worst complaints lately so all in all I have had a very easy pregnancy so far. I am in complete denial that the 3rd trimester is coming so very quickly! It is exciting and scary at the same time.

Kellie twisted my arm...

I had not planned on posting my baby bump Friday pic but there was a demand so here it is:

23 weeks 2 days

Wednesday, April 28, 2010

23 Weeks

We had a camera malfunction this week so we had to do today's picture with my crappy camera. Beany is 1.25 pounds and now a foot long...she is just a growing! It is amazing how fast though. I look at today's picture and I feel like my face has chunked out this week and that makes me sad. She is still moving up a storm which is nice to feel and I have been sleeping better. I have lowered my bathroom breaks to about every 4 hours at night. You saw earlier this week all the clothes Beany got in the mail! That is about the most exciting thing that happened.

Until next week...

Monday, April 26, 2010


I got a package in the mail today! It exploded with clothing. I am so excited to get it all. My mom and one of my aunts scoped out a huge 2nd hand sale and found all of this. There are so many cute things! Thanks Mom, Dad, and Patty! You guys rock!

Friday, April 23, 2010

My first stoller passenger

I think I have finally popped

22 Weeks 2 days (today)

21 weeks 2 days

Belated 22 weeks

So I am a day late...oh well. So Beany hit a pound and as long as a spaghetti squash this week. Seems crazy to me that she is that big already. She has been moving up a storm lately. Her favorite thing to do is to stomp on my bladder. I am so afraid she is going to do that and make me wet myself 16 and Pregnant style! LOL I got released from physical therapy this week too!

We had a rough night on Sunday and I learned my lesson on dehydration as it caused some braxton hicks contractions that night and then continued not to feel great on Monday. I am feeling much better now. When I called the doc to let her know what was going on, I found out I am supposed to be drinking AT LEAST 2 liters of water a day. That is a crazy amount of liquid. I am personally keeping the toilet paper companies in business now.

Well other then some late nights it has been a quiet week. I have a pregnancy retreat on Sunday that I am looking forward to so I am sure I will report back after that! I hope everyone has a great end of the week.

Wednesday, April 21, 2010

Beany's favorite show...

GLEE! She has been going crazy since the episode started tonight! I think she is a future Madonna fan as well. Here's to hoping she calms down soon for bed. She has good taste in music and shows though!

Friday, April 16, 2010

Choo Choo

Gotta love free internet on the Acela. It will make the next 3.5 hours go much more quickly. We are on our way down to NYC to spend the weekend with Mal and Derek. We have been looking forward to this trip for about a month now. Too bad it is supposed to rain for the entire weekend. No matter then weather, it will be a good time!

I hope everyone has a great weekend!

Thursday, April 15, 2010

21 Weeks

As I said earlier this week Beany and I checked out great at our doctor's appointment earlier this week and we finally got the image we needed on the ultrasound. I really feel like Beany has grown this week. She is the length of a banana this week. She hits a pound next week! I feel like she is using her feet to separate my pelvis currently. How nice of her.

We are off to NYC to visit with Mal and Derek this weekend. It is going to be a great time! We are just hoping the rain holds off.

Tuesday, April 13, 2010

Baby Bean Watches you Sleep

My wonderful sister has the most hilarious post about this photo! Here is the link.

Both Beany and I checked out fine this morning. We finally got the photo we needed of her spine but of course she did not make it easy for the ultrasound tech. She still never moved more then the tiniest bit.

Monday, April 12, 2010


Tomorrow is our 20 week check up and follow up ultrasound to get that photo of Beany's lower spine. We would appreciate any non breech baby thoughts that anyone can spare. We are not worried about anything being wrong but this will be the 4th try and she has stayed completely crammed into my pelvis in the breech position. She is quite the stubborn little thing!


Friday, April 9, 2010

Baby Bump Friday

A tradition on one of my message board is baby bump Friday. I was informed by Kellie that I was to post this morning's photo on my blog. So here I am! :)

Thursday, April 8, 2010

Half baked! aka 20 Weeks

Can you believe we are half way today?? Time is just flying now! We got to see Beany again on Monday but she is as stubborn as her mother so we will be getting another peak at her next week. She is 10.5 inches long and weighing a little over 9z. She is getting so big now. I am starting to feel her movements a little more now. She was kicking me in the crotch that was fun! LOL

Got some good news in regards to my back. I had another PT appointment this morning and since I am doing well I may be done after my next visit or two with orders to come back if I flare back up. It will be nice to cut down the amount of appointments I have. I will admit the mornings when I get out of the apartment to go are kinda nice. The weather has been beautiful and I am hoping for some storms on Friday!

I will have a bigger update after my doctors appointment on Tuesday.

Monday, April 5, 2010

Subborn Baby!

Dear Beany,

I would love it if you could uncram your butt from my pelvis. We really do need that picture of your lower spine.



Sunday, April 4, 2010

Happy Easter!

Happy Easter everyone! We are headed up to New Hampshire around lunch to spend the day with Kara and her family. I hope everyone has a great day!

I forgot to add that yesterday we went downtown to enjoy the weather. It was such a beautiful day. Well the subway was really busy and a nice woman give up her seat so that I could sit down. It was very nice of her especially since my hip was bothering me. I was surprised though because I did not think I was that noticeably pregnant yet.

Btw...this is my 50th blog post! :)

Thursday, April 1, 2010

19 Weeks

19 weeks! The big update came on Tuesday with the u/s on Tuesday. Beany is doing wonderfully! She is up to 9oz now and apparently the size of a large heirloom tomato. (Does anyone know how big that is? LOL) We get to see her again Monday morning and I am looking forward to that. We are trying to come up with names now and have one really good option but of course it wont be revealed until she arrives.

I got a REALLY awesome body pillow in the mail today from my mom and just trying it out tonight for the first time. When I laid down in it for a second it felt like heaven. I think I may have found a new best friend! 2 weeks until our next appointment with the doctor. That will be the next big update.