Thursday, November 25, 2010

What am I Thankful for?

This is what I am thankful for:

What are you thankful for this year?

Happy Thanksgiving!

Saturday, November 20, 2010

Santa comes to town

We went to meet Santa this morning. I wanted to go early so there would be no lines and she was Santa's 2nd picture of the year. LOL No smile but she is not in tears and is looking at the camera so I call it a success.

Friday, November 19, 2010

Breastfeeding = HARD!

Sarah was a breeze to breastfeed from day 1. I always thought myself to be really lucky b/c people talk about the sore nipple, bad latches, clogged ducts, etc and we never had any of that.

Fast forward to 7 weeks old and it all goes to hell and a hand basket. Her reflux makes feeding her absolute torture for her an me. She just screams and fights and I feel awful for her. We are still working on getting her dosage right and her meds were up'ed for a second time today. More often then not we are both in tears at some feeding during the day.

It is getting to the point now where I am dreading her feedings some days and I feel awful for it. I just want to give it all up and throw my hands up in the air. I know that isn't the answer not b/c I think formula is bad but it tends to make reflux worse since you lose the natural antacid property with BM.

I guess my next step is to eliminate dairy and to be completely honest, I am not excited. So much for thinking it got easier as she got older....

To end on a happier note here's Sarah!

Saturday, November 13, 2010

Tuesday, November 9, 2010

Saturday, November 6, 2010

We have crib success

It took 3 nights but last night slept from 8:30pm to 6am without one wake up. Hooray!! Tonight will be the real test to prove that last night was not a fluke. The whole thing was exhausting so I will be very happy to get back to our normal sleep schedule.

Friday, November 5, 2010

Transition to the crib...

might be the end of me. Last night Sarah slept for 3 hours and then was up every 20 min from 12:30am to 3am and then slept until 5 and was up for the day. Shoot me now! She is already resisting going down tonight so I am certain I am up for the same song and dance tonight.

Last night it was replace bink, restart mobile every 20 min. Please child SLEEP!!! She would not even nap today which pretty much made for an awful day. Sarah please oh please sleep...momma needs to sleep too.

Monday, November 1, 2010

2 Month Stats

Sarah had her 2 month well check this morning. Outside of the reflux, (which the pedi is not worried about) Sarah is doing perfect! Here are her stats:

Weight: 12lbs 1oz 75%-90%
Height: 23in 75%
Head: 15 3/8in 50%-75%

She is still sleeping 10-11 hours at night which is GREAT! She is not a great napper which the doc said is very normal for a 2 month old who sleeps so much at night. I don't think she is ever going to be a great daytime sleeper. But I cannot complain much since she sleeps through the night.

She got 4 shots and an oral vaccine. That was just heartbreaking for me! I hate to hear her cry from pain. She is sleeping it off in her crib now. I am hoping to have her sleeping in her crib at night soon. We are working on naps right now.

So all in all she is doing great and growing perfectly!