Saturday, September 25, 2010

Bottles and pumps galore

I have become a human milk machine. If I am not nursing, I am pumping now. I have discovered the most unfun thing in the world...being hooked up to a pump. blah! Sarah took her first bottle today and she ate like a champ with it. I was a little iffy about how it would go and you would think she ate with them from day 1. Guess no I have no excuse to keep up with my pumping. Guess I need to teach Michael our bedtime routine so I can take a night off every once and awhile.

Friday, September 24, 2010

Photo Friday is something I am going to try and keep up with. I want to post every Friday with photos from the week. Here is this week.

Not sure why this photo is sideways but oh well.

Wednesday, September 22, 2010

3 weeks

Get excited...Sarah slept through the night last night!!! 9:30pm-7am! Oh the heaven's have opened upon us! I hope this becomes a pattern for her. Sarah is doing very well but has become quite fussy in the evening. This is pretty normal for her age though. This our first week completely on our own and I have to say, I think it is going well. Only one day were both of us cried so far. Monday was a rough day...all she did was fuss from morning to night. We have even made tow outings on our own this week. I am quite proud.

So all in all there is not a lot going on around here. We are just taking everything hour by hour and day by day.

Monday, September 13, 2010

2 Weeks

Sarah had her two week check up today and she is doing great! She weights 8lbs 8ozs now and is 21 3/8 inches long. She needs to be gaining about 1/2 oz a day and she is at over an ounce right now. I confirmed that I don't have to wake her up at night which makes me feel much better about letting her sleep for chunks of time when
I can get it. She goes back at 2 months for her next well check but the doc says that I am welcome to bring her in if I am worried about her fussing around 4-6 weeks. I guess this is a common time for her to ramp up her fussiness and lots of new parents bring their little ones in. I love her pediatrician! Also, we did our first feeding and diaper change outside of the house at the doctor's office. Thankfully that went well too.

This is my last full week with help so I am doing my best to enjoy every second before Sarah and I are on our own. SCARY! :)

Friday, September 10, 2010

Boy Sarah just keeps me guessing

So we are making small progress in the sleep department. I can now get 4-5 hour chunks of sleep at night if I let Sarah sleep in her swing. I REALLY did not want to go down that path but sleep depreciation will make you do what you need to do. I just keep telling myself she is to young to develop bad habits yet. That's my mantra right now but oh I hope this does not come back to bite me. is what I cannot figure out. The only way I can get her down at night is her swing but during the early morning and during the day she will go down just fine in her pack and play which is where I want her sleeping at night. Sigh...she wins yet again. I will just bask in the small amounts of sleep I am getting now instead of being up all night with her like when we first came home.

I will leave you with a new photo of her cuteness!

Monday, September 6, 2010

Oh how I miss sleep...

It's not that I don't love this special time I get with Sarah....but its currently 5:30am and I have yet to be able to go to sleep. She keeps teasing me with it too. Allowing me to put her down and get comfortable and then 5 min or less later she is back up. I knew the sleep deprivation would be hard but I actually hallucinated a conversation with Michael yesterday.

I think we might have cloth diaper success

So today was a day of firsts. Yes, it is 4:30am and I am updating my blog. I am just getting Sarah down for the night so I figured there is no better time to get a quick update in before I go to bed.

Sarah had her first bath today. She was not a huge fan of it but we got some good pictures and she just knocked out after it. So I guess it will be something good for the evenings. I will post the photos later as Michael needs to process them.

Also, we started her on cloth diapers this afternoon and then I did them overnight. I used one of her fitteds and some of her prefolds. I survived several wet diaps and even one poop one. I think the poop is easier to deal with in the cloth then the disposable. So I think I can start to call cloth diapering a success. I have to teach my mom and Michael how to fold the prefolds tomorrow so that I am not always the one on diaper duty.

Well I better get some sleep while I can. Happy Labor Day!

Friday, September 3, 2010

Our new love!

I wouls like to introduce Sarah Elizabeth to the world. She arrived at 10:10pm on Monday August 30th via c-section. We are in love!!

She was born at 7lbs and 12 oz and 19.5 inches long. I think she is beautiful, but then I might be biased.

Later this morning we have our first pediatrician appointment this morning to check her weight and her bilirubin levels. She only lost 8% of her body weight at the hospital so she is a rock star on that account.

We had our first night at home last night and well lets say I have lost all track of night and day and it was a bit interesting. Thankfully I got her down for one 4 hour stretch and I was able to get some rest after I sent Michael to bed. She is sweetly sleeping in her swing right now since she is happy to have a full stomach and clean bottom.